Energy Alchemy

Addressing the energetic body can be wildly profound.

Often we have non-physical blocks that are preventing us from receiving things in life, creating physical pain, or keeping us from moving forward.

Clearing the energy blocks in our field not only helps vital life force energy flow through the body with more ease, it helps someone feel more present, grounded, relaxed, and clear minded.

While I have been attuned in Reiki and entrained in Archangelic Light, I am aware that other powerful energy healing energies may also be channeled through me.

I often receive guidance for the patient as I am working on them to help them achieve more clarity with their current situation.

Custom Sessions

  • Individual

    30 min / $100

    The session will be divinely and intuitively guided in the ways needed to help the client for their best and highest good at the time of their appointment through the use of channeled healing energies.

  • Mini

    15 min / $55

    These sessions are meant for those with short attention spans, i.e. your children or your pets! They’re also perfect if you are limited on time and still want some extra support to relax and release unwanted tension and blocks from your body.

  • Couple + Family

    30 min / $135

    These sessions are for couples or small families who wish to receive a healing together. The intention for the session is for all receiving the healing.

Womb Clearings

  • INTENTION: To clear any trauma, fears, apprehension, hooks, cords, attachments, oaths, obligations, blocks and stagnant energies that are no longer serving her + preventing her from conceiving. To empower her with a womb space that is vibrant, healthy, fertile, full of vital life force, that is ready, open, and available to conceive and to carry a baby to full term while nourishing both the baby and the mother.

    30 min - $100

  • INTENTION: To empower mom and baby with full confidence, trust, and strength knowing that she can do this to make birth a beautiful and graceful transition. To empower her to fully trust in her body and ability to give birth and lean into the surrendering of the birthing process, while clearing any doubts, anxieties, fears, or insecurities that say she doesn’t have what it takes to birth her baby with intention and her preferences honored.

    30 min - $100

  • INTENTION: To clear out any stagnation, lingering stress, distrust or trauma accrued during pregnancy + labor/delivery from mom’s womb space and body. To empower her with ease, comfort, wisdom, peace, strong motherly instinct and intuition and confidence to speak for herself and baby, as she transitions into motherhood. To empower her with patience and a willingness to ask for and accept help when she needs it. To instill her with the wisdom, instinct, and intuition she needs to be able to connect to her baby and take care of them to the best of her ability.

    30 min - $100

  • INTENTION: To clear any trauma, sadness, devastation, grief, hooks, cords, attachments, oaths, obligations, blocks, stagnant energies that are lingering or no longer serving the mother. To empower her with the healing she needs for her womb space and heart to be ready to conceive again. To fill her with unconditional love to heal the pain of loss.

    30 min - $125

    Also included: Connecting with your spirit baby to gain understanding on why this loss happened.

  • INTENTION: To clear any trauma, sadness, devastation, grief, hooks, cords, attachments, oaths, obligations, blocks, stagnant energies that are lingering or no longer serving the mother. To empower her with the healing she needs for her womb space and heart to feel whole and at peace with the decision. To fill her with unconditional love to heal the pain of loss.

    30 min - $125

    Also included: Connecting with your spirit baby to help them understand your choice and find peace within that decision.

Designed to be a check in with your energetic body. Clearing what is stagnant so it doesn't manifest in the physical body.

Fine Tune Your Energy Field

Balance Chakras


Reset Boundaries


Field Scans

  • Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that removes non beneficial energy out of your body’s system. Because of this, it can help to relieve stress, clear emotional blocks, balance chakras, pain management, and support healing.

    Rei means higher intelligence or subtle wisdom. Ki is defined as energy or life force. Ki is also known as chi or prana in other cultures. Reiki can be translated as spiritually guided life force energy.

  • Archangelic Light is a profound spiritual energy that goes directly to the root cause to promote healing on all levels (emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually). This energy healing modality works with the Angels, Archangels and the Divine Feminine. AL is experienced as a cool and active energy where many insights and visions are presented to the practitioner.

    The sessions begin by setting an intention for a healing that is done by calling upon the Angelic Realm to assist in the healing. For as it is spoken, so it is done.

    The use of crystals and oracle cards may be used during the session, giving the healing a similar feel to a reading.

  • Everyone experiences an energy clearing in their own way. Sometimes people fall asleep and others have noted that they feel relaxed, calm, or even felt a release of stress/tension during the session. Some note feeling a cool, swirling energy, and seeing images or colors.

    During the session, it is preferred that you have somewhere safe, comfortable, and relatively quiet to lay down to receive the healing.

    You may wish to listen to relaxing yoga/meditative music while receiving the healing. I have a playlist, here, you can use.

    Please leave 10-15 minutes available on either side of the healing session for discussion. At the beginning I will call you to formulate an intention and at the end to go over anything that may have come up during the healing.

    Within 24 hours of the session, I will send you an email with any recommendations I have for you and to recap our session.

    Most people report feeling better than ever after a session!

    While not always ideal, sometimes the sessions cause a temporary increase in symptoms or discomfort as part of the detox process. This is both normal and temporary. If you need additional assistance to help get you through this, please let me know so I can assist you further in your integration.

  • Decreased stress and anxiety

    Increased feelings of peace and tranquility

    Positive attitude changes

    Mental clarity

    Relief of symptoms

    Enhanced spiritual connection

    Balanced energies in body

  • Per the Hermetic Law of Similarity, which states that because we are all energy matter, we are part of a larger whole and therefore all connected.

    Through using this Law with intention, I am able to access your energy field through time and space to facilitate a healing for you.

    Because the session is done remotely, I use a stuffed animal as a surrogate while facilitating the healing.

  • You can text, call, or email me to book. My number is (910) 408-2627 and my email is

  • My availability is limited to Saturdays for sessions.