Chakras 101

Let’s dive right into what a chakra is. The Sanskrit word “chakra” translates to wheel or disk. These spinning wheels are energy centers found within our body. They allow energy to flow through our body, fueling us with Prana or life force energy, and allow us to communicate with our environment.

There are 7 major chakras in our body; each aligning with the spine, starting at the base of the spine up through the crown of the head. I’ll go into more detail about each one momentarily. The chakras correspond to neighboring vital organs and tissues, supplying them with life force energy. Tuning into a chakra’s energy can clue us in to the health of the related organs. Alternatively, knowing the health of the organs and tissues will give us a clue as to how the related chakra is functioning.

Each chakra is unique, in that each governs a different emotional and spiritual state. How energy flows through these centers greatly affects our health, behaviors, and state of being. Balanced chakras allow energy to flow freely, promoting health, vitality, and harmony. Keeping our chakras open and increasing our energy flow keeps us healthy.

Conversely, blocked or imbalanced chakras can prevent the flow of energy in our body, leading to dis-ease and dis-harmony within our body system. Blocked energy in any one, or multiple, chakras can often lead to illness, so it’s important to understand what each chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely.

Fortunately, chakras can be cleared, rebalanced, and energized through yoga, Pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation, essential oils, and energy healing.

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The Root Chakra is the first chakra, red in color, and is located at the base of our spine in the tailbone area. It represents survival, stability, security, and our basic needs. When open, we feel safe, secure, and fearless. When blocked, we may feel fearful, anxious, or constipated. When overactive, we may feel greedy, aggressive, or materialistic. Physically, we may be having issues with our adrenals, hips, knees, or toes.

To support a balanced root chakra, it’s recommended to wear red or consume foods such as beets, parsnips, apples, or pomegranates. Crystals that support a healthy root chakra include hematite, black onyx, garnet, amber, and carnelian. Essential oil wise, you can use sandalwood, patchouli, cypress, elemi, clary sage, frankincense, vetiver, clove, or ginger. Doing something physical outdoors would also be beneficial to help you ground. Affirmation to use: “I am safe.”

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The second chakra, or the Sacral Chakra, is orange in color, and located about two inches below the navel. It’s related to sex, cash, and creation. When open and balanced, we feel creative, optimistic, social, trusting, and have a healthy libido. When blocked, we may have a fear of intimacy, feel isolated, or lack creativity. When overactive, we could be manipulative, over-emotional, or fixated on sex. Physically, we may experience infertility, painful periods, emotional blocks, or other reproductive problems.

To support a balanced sacral chakra, it’s recommended to wear orange or consume foods such as carrots, pumpkin, seeds, or oranges.  Crystals that support a healthy sacral chakra are red jasper, amber, and carnelian.  Essential oils to use include cedarwood, orange, neroli, bergamot, ylang ylang, patchouli, rose, frankincense, lavender, and lemon.  Trying something new, doing anything connected with water, joining a group, or nurturing yourself is also helpful!  Affirm: “I am creative.”

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The Solar Plexus is the third chakra, yellow in color, and located in the upper abdominal area below the breastbone.  It’s related to confidence, personal power, information, and wisdom.  When open and balanced, we feel confident, in control, and have a good self image. When blocked, we may have low self-esteem, feel powerless, or have an inferiority complex.  When overactive, we may be power hungry, a perfectionist, or critical. Physically, we may have various stomach issues, liver issues, or problems with pancreas function.

To support a balanced solar plexus, it’s recommended to wear yellow, or consume oats or yellow foods like peppers, lentils, or squash.  Crystals that aid in a balanced solar plexus are gold quartz, tiger’s eye, and citrine.  Essential oils to use are lemongrass, fennel, vetiver, ginger, lemon, black pepper, rosemary, frankincense, cinnamon, or peppermint.  Laughing, participating in the martial arts, writing a burn letter, or crying at a sad movie is also recommended!  Affirm: “I am strong.”

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The Heart Chakra is the fourth chakra and connects the upper three chakras to the lower three chakras.  It’s green in color and located at the center of the chest just above the heart.  It’s related to our ability to love, compassion, balance, relationship, and forgiveness.  When open and balanced, we feel peaceful, loving, compassionate, tolerant, warm, or open.  When blocked, we can feel bitter, hateful, have trust issues, or lack empathy.  If overactive, we may be jealous, co-dependent, self-sacrificing, or give too much.  Physically, we may have problems with our thymus or circulatory system.

To support a balanced heart chakra, wearing green and eating green foods like broccoli, kale, green beans is good!  Crystals to keep around would be jade, rose quartz, peridot, or malachite.  Essential oils that are helpful include rose, geranium, melissa, jasmine, or lavender. Dating yourself, volunteering in your community, reaching out to a stranger are good action steps to keep it open!  Affirm: “I am loved.”

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The fifth chakra is the Throat chakra, located at the throat and is blue.  It’s related to our ability to speak our truth.  When open and balanced, we have confident expression, are a clear communicator, and diplomatic.  When blocked, we may be misunderstood, secretive, or not a good listener.  If overactive we may come off as opinionated, loud, gossipy, or talk over others.  If you have any issues with throat chakra, you may also experience issues with your neck, thyroid, jaw, mouth, and tongue.

Supporting the throat chakra comes with wearing the color blue and eating foods like blueberries, figs, or kelp. Crystals to carry are turquoise, blue agate, and aquamarine.  Spearmint, tea tree, mandarin, spruce, lavender, and frankincense are useful essential oils, too!  Action steps to take include sing, writing only for yourself, or talking to people who will listen without judgment.  Affirm: “I am expressive.”

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The Third Eye is the sixth and it’s represented by the color indigo/purple.  It’s located on the forehead between the eyes.  It’s related to our ability to focus on and see the big picture, and is the center of intuition.  When open and balanced, we may feel imaginative, have clear thoughts and visions, or able to see beyond the physical.  When blocked, we may lack focus, have poor imagination, or poor judgment.  If overactive, we may experience nightmares, delusions, or hallucinations.  An unbalanced third eye could attribute to depression, poor eyesight, headaches/migraines, or hormonal imbalances. 

To support the third eye, eating foods like purple potatoes, blackberries, plum, or purple grapes are helpful.  You can carry or wear amethyst, pearl, or lapis. Essential oils to use more of include frankincense, cedar, spruce, angelica root, or juniper.  Meditating is a great tool to help you visualize what you’d like to manifest or to practice being present.  Affirm: “I am connected.”

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Finally, we have the crown chakra.  This one is violet or white and at the top of the head.  It represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually and is related to our higher selves and our connection to the divine.  When open and balanced, our faith is strong, we are intelligent, aware, wise, and understanding.  When blocked, we have weak faith, brain fog, anger at the divine, or learning difficulties.  If overactive, we may be judgmental, have a spiritual addiction, or be ungrounded.  If imbalanced, we may experience trouble with sleeping or feel disconnected from our body or from others. 

To support a balanced crown chakra, you can wear white.  Moonstone and crystal quartz are the crystals you want to keep close.  Essential oils to use include rose, vetiver, frankincense, jasmine, myrrh, sandalwood, basil, or rosemary.  Getting outside and spending time in nature and creating an intentional/mindfulness practice is also advised.  Affirm: “I am Divine.” Or “I understand.”

There are many types of “tools” that can be used to help you develop a deeper connection and higher awareness with yourself.  If you choose to use any of the suggestions, be sure to set an intention before you begin.  Being mindful of what you’re doing, i.e. being present and doing it with purpose, will be more powerful than if you just did the thing to do the thing.  When using the essential oils, consider using them topically (diluted per label instruction) on the area of the body corresponding with the chakra you’re targeting. 

I hope this information was helpful for you!


If you are interested in receiving an energy healing from me to help you be more balanced and grounded, you can set up an appointment here.

With Love, Meghan.


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